Monday, July 21, 2008

Who Loves You, Baby!

Listening to R.E.M Green. I can't believe this is about 20 years old. I didn't even know how good it was when I first thought it was the 'best'...and Depech Mode. I think my Ray-Bans had paint splashes on them...purposely manufactured that way. What was that??

Anyhow, tonight, the day after writing my first poem in...a long time (about confusion and love and God and 'the problem of evil'...and an incredible kid). Thinking on something concerning faith that has recently put me at odds with my evangelical community...(I think that is my faith community)

Rick Warren is fond of his SO accepted view that he finally learned "It's all about God." That resinates with Christians somehow in a big way... record best-seller kind of ways. That's all fine but I was wondering who told him that? If there is a reader out there, will you attempt to walk through to this conclusion with me? Maybe we can start out there on the event horizon, so-to-speak, and work our way to the epicenter of this astounding revelation.

At some point, folks agree it was a...point, time and space came into existence. Then light found its way here with matter. Stars and physical laws that are nearly unshakable. Then this one planet where there is water, air, heat, plants. And people. Lets stop here for just a moment and ask a question or two - Did God need these things? Who needs these things?

Moving on - this for the faith folks - there is revealed and repeated for well over 2000 years that God intended to take and punish his own son. Then he did. Then people talked about it for another 2000 years. Another rest-stop for these questions - Did God need these things? Who needs these things?

What if...maybe...."Its all about me." Maybe God is trying to get that message through to us. Could he be just too subtle with the creation and sacrifice angle? Lets help him out...get some bumper stickers made. Here's one... "Who loves you, baby!"

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