Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Additional Thinking

Some additional thinking on these two areas of scripture - that interested me.

1) They actually can be used by serious feminist oriented theologians. These are quite proper reviews of the narratives and should be promoted. I hope one of those theologians swing by and pick up on these. The improper interpretation of these texts were foundational to negative ecclesiastical communities, to women, for centuries.

The basis of their argument would be based in the reality of the text rather than the often promoted political intentions that are wrongly applied to the text. Or in some cases - work to try and make the text irrelevant.

2) Technically speaking - Adam murdered his wife and then committed suicide. It just didn't happen in the moment.


Charles said...

Paul states that Eve decieved Adam. But when reading the rest, part of God's curse on Eve was to desire only the husband be a submitting wife :-)

Paul also says that in Christ there is no male or female, Greek or barbarian....etc. Could be the Kingdom, aside the Fall, has no need of hierarchy by sex or any other distinguishing need for it....everyone is there to serve each within the Father-Son-Spirit community.

Paul does mention that wives submit to husbands and husbands love their wives...but maybe he's simply instructing people to keep in line with God's hiearchical curse from the Fall, until Christ returns.

That hierarchical order in the curse could simply be a practical issue knowing our hearts. Could be that the model SBC wife turns out to be an enthusiastic representation of a refugee rather than a model mate :-)

Anonymous said...

I think Paul says Eve was deceived, but never says Adam was deceived. He sinned with his eyes wide open. He knew what He was doing.

I also don't think being a submissive wife was part of the curse. God said "Your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you." That word desire is also used in Genesis 4 for sin's desire to dominate Cain. It seems as if God is saying because of the curse, you will seek to rule over your husband, but he will rule over you. Thus, God is saying, man and woman will have a rocky relationship. Who says the Bible is not true to life.